I have major issues with obsessive compulsion....and I'm a bit of a hypo-chondriac. All my good friends and family know this about me, and most of them laugh with me, not at me (cause I'm not laughing)...well, sort of laughing, maybe. Anyway, lately I've been afraid of spiders--brown recluse spiders, to be exact. I'm pretty darn sure that I have seen them in my house, and in my parents house. I went to throw a load of laundry in the other day, and a very suspicious looking specimen scurried out of a dirty towel...I did the only thing I knew to do--grabbed the dustbuster and suctioned the darn thing up. I left the suction on for a long time, and then put it back into the charger--sincerely hoping that the hole is now plugged. This, my friends, was two days ago. I am petrified to check and see what kind of spider is looming in that dustbuster. I need to dump the contents and see if this little guy has the identifiable "violin" pattern on it's torso, or thorax, or whatever it's called in "bug lingo"...but I can't.
If I find that this is, in fact, a brown recluse, I will never, and I mean NEVER sleep again. My children won't either because I will be too scared to let them into their beds--one of the most common ways to get bitten is by rolling over on a spider in bed! So, the spider sits in the dustbuster, and then I don't have to freak out and know for sure. I was forced to stop googling "brown recluse spiders" and "brown recluse spider findings in our town (which, by the way, didn't turn up any relevant information), by my dear husband tonight, who lovingly called me "crazy"...but mind you this was only seconds after he calmly asked me to grab a tissue and turn on the light. He was tracking a spider who somehow scurried away--I adamantly asked if it was a brown recluse he had seen...he didn't even respond to that one! And, to add insult to injury, I was getting a relaxing foot massage right before that dumb spider sauntered into our living room.
So, now I'm waiting to go to bed and praying that I won't dream about these silly spiders. These brown recluse spiders that I've never even heard of being spotted in this part of the state. But, if there's one to be found, believe you me, I'll be the one to find it! See, I told you all, I'm a little OCD....yikes! ;)