Wednesday, June 14, 2006

An update--FINALLY!!!!

Sorry it's been so long since we've posted...a lot has been going on! We moved almost three weeks ago now. We love our new house--it's very spacious, we have wonderful neighbors, and both sets of grandparents are less than 10 minutes away, not to mention aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, and cousins--which is so awesome!
I started my new job two weeks ago, and love it! It's so fabulous to go to work in a gallery each day--it's a great environment to work in, and only about a 10 minute commute....can't beat that with a stick! ;)
Connor is moving all over the place--crawling, cruising, you name it! He has two little teeth that have finally popped through the surface, and loves to wave "hi" and "bye", and thinks this house is pretty amazing since there is a ceiling fan in almost every room.
Teah and Erin were home this past weekend--it was so wonderful to get to spend time with them. We saw "glowing" Maria, too, which was so nice! It's great to be so central! We can't wait for Aunt Wendy and Em to come visit in July!!!!

Take care, and love to you all!!!!

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