Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Maybe Jesus Has a Kitty Cat.....

Connor is seriously cracking me up these days...three is definitely a trying age. He's very emotional, and can be extremely moody--we're getting quite the glimpse of what the teenage years might be like--but man, some of the things that come out of three year old mouths! Ha! ;)

The other day he was begging me to take a bath. It was the middle of the day, and I wasn't ready to do baths at that moment, so, I told him that we'd do baths that night...he then proceeds to start "sniffing" the air.
Connor: "Do you smell some-fin mommy?"
Me: "Connor, ugh...don't tell me you poo-pooed in your pants...grrrr.."
Connor: "No Mommy, it's me...I'm stinky....I really, really need a bath!"
Needless to say, I gave in on that one! ;)

Earlier today he was tickling me and started to bite my stomach. This was an old habit of his that I thought he had kicked. I STERNLY told him NOT to bite, and moved him aside. He looked at me and said, "What, Mommy? I'm just gettin' to know your tummy better!" What?! I have noooo idea where he go this one!

Tonight he was playing with a tape measure of Tommy's. He was measuring various things around the house, (including me) to see how much they "weighed". ;) Then started telling me about the tape measure (did I mention he's also learned the art of fabrication....)
Connor: "Daddy gave this tape measure to me in heaven."
Me: "Really...hmmmm...I didn't know you'd been to heaven, what's it like?"
Connor: "It's an old house......with two roofs....and lots of old doors...."
Me: "Wow!" "Did you meet Jesus?"
Connor: (Stops and thinks) "Maybe Jesus has a kitty cat!"
Hum--I think we'd better spend more time with our Bible stories! :)

And so it goes, and so it goes....leaving me to wonder, what will come out of his mouth tomorrow! ;)

P.S. The song he made up tonight goes something like this....

"Burp....excuse me.....burp....excuse me.....burp....excuse me..." ;)


Mary E. said...

This totally made me laugh out loud! Especially the "getting to know your tummy better" part. This kid seriously is one of the best at getting his point across that I have ever been around. Even though he struggles to get the words out, the way he expresses himself is verbal genius (or comedian). :)

Midwest Miscellany said...

Ha ha! He's got the looks AND some awesome brains.