Friday, April 03, 2009

My Little Girl is ONE...How is this Possible???

Oh my little Brookie Pie, where oh where has the last year gone? I can hardly believe that we have left the baby stage behind, that you're now a perfect little toddler/monkey (we're not entirely sure which :), gaining more and more independence every day.
The night before your birthday Daddy and I were reflecting on what we were doing one short year ago. Even though I was scheduled to be induced on Wednesday, the Tuesday before I was having contractions all day. I remember playing outside with Connor trying to wrap my brain around the fact that this was the last day he and I would spend together without you in the picture. Surreal, really! Daddy came home from work early, as I wasn't sure I would make it through the day. But, since we had everything set up for our induction the next morning, we hoped and prayed that you would stay put for one more night, and that you did!
Early Wednesday morning (like at 3:15am) we woke up, called L&D to make sure there was a bed, showered, and headed to the hospital. Mimi came to stay with Connor, and Daddy and I were on our way. Oh my goodness, I was elated. I COULD NOT WAIT to meet my little girl. Your birth was INCREDIBLE. It was beautiful, and wonderful, and our perfect scenario for bringing you into the world. When I think back on that day, March 26th, 2008, I still get giddy...I don't remember pain, or agony, I remember the most wonderful, light-filled, glorious day! When you came into this world, the first thing you did was latch right on and start nursing. It was such an amazing bonding moment, and I've felt bonded to you ever since.

Oh, my darling girl, I cannot picture life without you, nor imagine a day living without your sunny presence. You have the ability to light up a room with your smile (hillbilly as it may be at age one, with the top left front tooth missing--ha! :) You are so affectionate and loving, and Daddy and I are in pure bliss when you throw your chubby arms around our necks, lay your head on our shoulders, pat our backs, and say, ahhhhhhh! ;) I know your grandparents would agree with this whole-heartedly, and even Connor would, most days! ;)

We love you, precious Brooke. You are truly a gift from the Lord above. My prayer for you is that you know how much He loves you, and that Jesus will be your best friend, each and every day of your life. Happy birthday, sweet girl!


Midwest Miscellany said...

Beautiful, I loved reading this!

Mary E. said...

OK, you made your momma cry, Liz. I felt the exact same way about your arrival into this world and into my arms. I am so grateful that you have a little girl whom I know without a doubt will give you the same joy and affection and love that you have given to me. You really deserve that.