It's amazing what a little bit of warm sunshine on your face can do for a weary spirit! It's been such a long time since we were able to get outside and play, and run around, comfortably, without snowpants, coats, hats, mittens, and the whole winter get-up! Today was gorgeous--high 50's and pure sunshine. The kids and I put on our boots (as the snow is still melting, so it's muuuuddy out there ;) and went "exploring" in the wooded area behind our house. They thought it was the.greatest.thing.ever...seriously. They were so excited! We found a little stream that we had never really explored before and that was the icing on the cake! So much fun...I was giddy right along with them!
We needed this. We lost one of my mom's very dear friends to breast cancer last week, and it's been a little emotionally taxing. She was an incredible woman, self-less, and with abounding faith. Her service was amazing, but really pulled heart-strings that I wasn't quite ready to have pulled. Gretchen battled cancer for 13 years, and was diagnosed right after the birth of her third child. She did it with such dignity and grace, and the impact she had on everyone around her was so evident, especially at her time of passing, and it was yet another reminder of how much we need to savour every moment, and make the most of each second we are given on this earth!
So, the sunshine was good, and we made the most of it! The kids have had a rough couple of weeks due to bronchitis, and an ear infection. We had a week or so of redemption, and they seem to have been hit again. I just spent 20 minutes in Connor's room while he sweated in my arms, having night terrors. Too much medication, I am sure! The poor baby's lungs are the recipients of each and every cold virus that comes along, and he wheezes, and coughs something painful....meaning sleep doesn't come easily, to any of us! Tonight will probably not be very restful being that I had to give him benedryl, xopenex, and pulmicort before bed. I hate it, and I hate that he suffers. It's so hard to watch his little body struggling to breathe. It's at these times that I am reminded of the fact that we HAVE medicine to give our children, as well as doctors to over-see their care. As horrible as it is to watch your child in pain, at least we know that we have remedies for their ailments. I cannot imagine having to sit and watch as your child suffers, and not be able to get the medicine that they need. I just finished reading McMama's blog before I heard Connor's cries. She and her husband are
visiting Kenya with
Compassion International. Wow....puts things in perspective, that's for sure.
Anyway...I apologize for the rambling...I think I'm ready for bed, so I'm just "streaming" right now! ;) The kids and I leave for Florida this week, and we're really excited!! Just hoping and praying that the sickies are left behind when we board the plane (and that no other sick germs attack while we fly--should I make them wear masks? :)
Have a blessed week!!! More from the sunny south!!!!!!!!!!!!!