Saturday, August 09, 2008

We're back!!!!!!!!!!

We had another fabulous vacation up in Michigan these past two weeks! Aside from the excruciatingly long car ride up (the usual 7 hour trip somehow became a 12 hour marathon adventure, with a hysterical baby, tired kiddo, and very spent mommy and mimi), it was just perfect!

We had so much fun with Auntie Lynne and Auntie Teah the first week! It was so wonderful to catch up and just to relax and enjoy being together! Poor Connor was the only male for many days, though, and after awhile the testosterone began to build up in his little system. When the cable guy came to the cottage on Thursday afternoon to make a simple sales call, he had no idea what he was in for! Connor instantly caught wind of another male on the premises and was on him like one of those biting black flies we were dealing with the entire vacation. It was pretty hilarious, actually! :) I don't think the guy knew quite what to make of Connor asking him to look at every toy he could find in the 2 minute time span he stood at the door!

By the time Daddy and Grandpa got in on Saturday, Connor was ready to do some fishing! They had so much fun down at the dock fishing for hours and hours, they caught many perch (or "porch") as Connor so fondly refers to them, and also quite a few "stupid sunfish", as Grandpa not so fondly refers to them! :) A large pike loomed in the shallow water by the dock, and although he did finally bite the line, he snapped it instantly and got away with a poor little "porch" used for bait. I'm quite sure he swam away with a full belly thinking "suckers" as he barely had to work for that breakfast! ;)

Brookie had her first taste of cereal, and began rolling like a champ! She is almost crawling at this point...YIKES!!! I don't think I'm ready for all of that, yet. All in all it was an awesome trip, and we can't wait to go again next year. Now, for your viewing enjoyment, a whole schlew of pictures....... :)


Jessica Ryan said...

Awesome pictures! You have to frame one with the fish... that is priceless!

Jessica Ryan said...

Not laughing at your long car trip, but I just posted about road trips on my blog. Too funny!

These are the Days! said...

Yes--will totally frame that pic! We have one of me at age three standing in the exact spot (only I had chicken pox--so not really a framer :).

LOVE your post about the car trip...seriously HILARIOUS! :)