Monday, October 06, 2008

A Much Needed Hair-Cut!

I coaxed Connor into getting his hair cut today...I say coaxed, because that's literally what I have to do. He always says--"No Mommy, how about tomorrow...?" :) We went to the mall to run some errands, and I picked a random hair place there and really hyped it up (didn't hurt that there was an array of colorful candy machines positioned right across from the hair "salon" :). Connor hates wearing the cape, so I told him he absolutely did NOT have to wear the cape, and he was fine. He was actually more than fine--he was exceptionally well behaved! He sat sooo still, and didn't make nary a peep! The stylist actually asked if he ever talked--ha! So, now he's all clean-cut and grown up looking again. I was so proud of my big boy today!


Jessica Ryan said...

So handsome! Love the dark brown eyes and the blond, blond hair! (My boys have that coloring too ;))

Jessica Ryan said...

So handsome! Love the dark brown eyes and the blond, blond hair! (My boys have that coloring too ;))

These are the Days! said...

They are getting so grown-up, aren't they??? :)

Mary E. said...

Way too handsome for his own good. :)