Saturday, November 08, 2008

P-O-T-T-Y (dare I say it) TRAINED?????

Wow--those smart cookies that say when a child is finally ready to potty train, they will do it quickly and easily were sooo right! We've started and stopped training many, many times now...with down right refusal to go poopy on the potty, and lack of interest all together in peeing. Then, the other night, I asked Connor to go before his bath. Before I knew it, he had gone all by himself--standing up! Wow! So, yesterday, we started out the day in undies, and stayed in them ALL DAY LONG!!! He went poopy on the potty every single time he had to go (toy catalog in hand for some entertainment), and had only a minor pee-pee accident!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!! Today has been successful as well--a couple little accidents, but I think that's to be expected. Overall, I think we're on the right track, with great hopes of being TOTALLY trained by the end of next week!!!! Just think of all the money we'll be saving in diapers...cue the "Hallelujah Chorus"! ;)

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