Friday, October 24, 2008

7 Random Facts...Tagged! ;)

The lovely Jess tagged me for this post...Seven Random Facts About Myself. I'll write these random facts and tag seven people--so watch out--you might be next! ;)

Seven Random Facts:

1. When I was growing up my Dad called me "Gretle" because I would leave a trail of crumbs, or clothes, or paper, or something where ever I went. I think this still happens for the most part! ;)

2. In fourth grade, my lovely friend Lyndsay and I were obsessed with Chad Allen from "Our House"...and I mean OBSESSED!!! We journaled about meeting him every single day in our fourth grade classroom (poor Ms. Shumaker :), and spent hours upon hours looking through national phone books in the library to try to locate him (and other famous people). Ahhh, good times! ;) I'm pretty sure Teah, Lyndsay and I tried to call River Phoenix one night from Lyndsay's house...did we get anywhere, girls? At least we weren't pranking at that point...right? Oye ve...

3. When I was little I was also obsessed with being a movie star...I wanted to go to Hollywood sooo badly! I couldn't understand why my parents wouldn't just pick up and move to California...Ha!

4. I think there is honestly nothing better than to hold a sleeping baby in your arms..all cuddly and sweet. Oh, and to kiss their downy little heads after a bath...ahhhh...God knew what he was doing when he made these little ones so precious!

5. I still talk to my mom at least once every day...sometimes many more times (right mom?)...and yet, she still reads my blog! Ha! ;)

6. Every Christmas eve, my sister and I would sleep together and wake up on Christmas morning with great anticipation and glee. We still slept together the first year Tommy and I were married, because I wasn't ready to give that tradition up! :)

7. Even after (almost) seven years of marriage, and two kids, I still look at my husband with stars in my eyes...and I love to see pieces of him in our kids!

Okay, I'm tagging Mom, Steph, Shannon, Michelle, Wilma, Tara, and Brooke.


Shannon said...

Ack--you tagged me! Good--now I FINALLy have something to write about. I haven't blogged since summer!

These are the Days! said...

I know....glad you posted!!! :)