Friday, July 04, 2008

The Fourth of July!

It's that time of year again--the time of year when the carnies sweep into our small peaceful village and turn Broadway into a hustling, bustling midway packed with people of all ages--many of whom are returning villagers! It's the annual fourth of July celebration which involves a four day street fair, parade, fire works display, bands playing at the Grand Stand, high school reunions, elephant ears, picnics, and seeing old faces bringing their children back to their home town to discover the wonder of Independence Day in the grandest of traditions! As the festivities come to a close, I'd just like to take a moment to thank all of those men and women and their amazing families who are serving, or have served this great country. We are so blessed, and we remember you and THANK you. It's because of the sacrifices you all have made that we can celebrate so freely and enjoy all of our blessings. So from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you! Happy Fourth of July!

Teah and I at the pub (Tommy and I had a night out--how fun!!!--Thanks Mimi and Grandpa! ;)

Here are all all of the Girls our favorite pub!

The Street Fair!

Connor and Mimi on the Merry Go Round--another tradition that we've started!

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