Wednesday, July 02, 2008


To all fellow mothers of toddlers (soon to be pre-schoolers):

I just had to stop doing the much needed task of folding laundry for 2 minutes (even though I probably only have about 5 until the baby wakes up and the whole house is disasterous--but that's a different post altogether :), to write about the current favorite word in our household...WHY?!?

A conversation might go something like this:

Me: "Connor, please keep working on putting your toys away."
Connor: "Why, Mama?"
Me: "Because I asked you to."
Connor: "Why, Mama?"......
*5 minutes later*
Me: "Connor, there are still toys all over the living room, and I want to vaccuum in a minute, can you please keep working?"
Connor: "But, why, Mama."
Me: "Because we need to put the things away that we get out, otherwise our house is a disaster and we can't even walk in it!"
Connor: "Why, Mama?"

And so it goes, and so it goes........

Seriously, he answers every question, statement, dangling preposition, with "Why?" right's a little cute, and a little annoying. :) Most of the time I find that if I just sigh and move on, he forgets he even asked the question. And, by the way, the living room still looks like a tornado hit it, it's ten after five and I barely made headway with any housework today...I find myself asking our favorite question, "Why???" :)

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