Okay, so the baby birds were cute....eggs are beatiful. I love bird's eggs, and have always had a minor obsession with nests and eggs. Eggs are so fragile and delicate, while also being beautiful and vibrant. They are such an awesome reminder of new life and rebirth, and how God creates even the tiniest of creatures mysteriously and carefully. I always think of Matthew 10:29-31, which says "Not even a sparrow, worth only half a penny, can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to Him than a whole flock of sparrows."
That being said, I am soooooooo ready for these baby birds to grow some feathers and take their flight!!!!! I guess once Mama bird had a chance to really bond with her babies her protective instincts took over, and she went from chirping from a near-by tree, to now dive-bombing and attacking the "enemy" (which happens to be us). Well, me being protective of MY babies, who would like to be able to go out in the backyard on a gorgeous sunny day such as today, yells loudly at her while she dive-bombs my head, and we kind of battle it out for ownership of the swingset. Today, after making Brookie cry (Mama dive-bombed her at the same time as I yelled), we threw the towel in, and came back inside. It's beautiful out--narry a cloud in the sky, mid-60's and brilliant, and we can't be anywhere in the backyard without fear of attack!
I'll admit it--although I do adore birds eggs, nests, and cute little hatchlings, birds that come flying at my head (or my children's heads, for that matter)scare the living heck out of me. I surrender to the Mama, but ask that her prized baby birds hurry up and grow, so that we can have OUR yard back! Wouldn't ya know, a barn swallow has chosen the eve of our FRONT porch to build her nest in. Sigh. Maybe we'll be able to go outside again come June...
make a poster of a large and terrifying bird, like a hawk or an eagle and carry it in front of you as you go outside!
Ha!!! You're too funny, Jess....though I just might give that a try! :)
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