So, we did it. We bit the bullet, took the proverbial "plunge", crossed over to the "dark side" (as one friend so eloquently put it), and bought a MINI VAN. Something we swore we'd never, ever do. When Tommy and I were younger, living the high life and kidless, we looked at families we knew who were buying vans and swore, up and down, that we'd never go there. Never cross that line. We were NOT going to be "those" people. We would find a way around buying a van and continue to drive in style.
Well, we made it work for 3 1/2 years in a truck and an SUV, pretty well, I might add. But then, it happened. Tommy's older brother was visiting a few weeks ago, and they drove down in high style--cruisin' in a mini. Tommy laughed about the van, until his brother showed him the inside, and walked us through all of the little perks and features that a minivan now possesses. DVD, Navigation, lazy susan in the floor boards, all of the latches and tethers to insure that the carseats will be as snug and secure as possible...yada, yada, yada...and most of all, ROOM. Room to store things, move around, and space between the kiddos so they aren't always poking each other (that was starting to happen in the SUV). I was swayed. Pushed over the edge. Enough to go home and search Craig's List for Odyssey's.
We found one, and now, I am a driver of a minivan. I've joined the club of soccer mom's and taxi drivers. I have to say, it's not sexy...but I like it. I really like it. I like the features, and I like the space, and I like the safety. I like that I can pop a DVD in and totally entertain Mr. Connor in the car. It's nice. I'm old. is what it is! :) And, Connor LOOOOOVES it! He plays in it, wants to stay in it after we pull into the garage, and was very nervous parking it uptown the other day while we were running errands. He kept saying, "but I need to see MY minivan..." So funny! I'd tell you to honk if you see me driving, but really, I think you might pass at least 15 other silvery-green colored Honda Odysseys on the highway in one 10 mile trip! ;)
OMG TOOO FUNNY... you'll have to check out my latest post! JUST gave our Sienna (bells and whistles too!) back to Toyota... I was so ready to shed my soccer mom image and slip into a sexier, unecofriendly, gas-guzzling, pimp my ride kind of a car! I love love love my car, but I do miss the storage that the van had... but less storage means, I hope, less crap to be found!
HA!!!!!!!!!!! Jess, I read your blog and was cracking up...didn't have time to comment yet, but it's so funny and ENCOURAGING, b/c hopefully I'll be able to say "sianara" to the minivan in three years, too!!! What did you get???
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