Well, since I've been absolutely horrible about updating their baby books lately, (actually, I won't lie--I've rarely EVER written in Brooke's...sorry, baby girl), I figured I'd write a post about the recent happenings and accomplishments of these two precious kiddos!!! ;)
Connor is getting sooo big and grown-up. I can hardly believe that he will be FOUR in less than two months. Wow! Where, oh where does the time go? He is very athletic and loooves to play outside, and has learned to ride his bike very well (with training wheels, of course) this summer. He'll start soccer in the fall (bumble-bee soccer, as Daddy likes to call it :), which we're really looking forward to. His little legs are always covered in scratches and boo-boos, and he will proudly tell anyone who will listen where each and every one came from!
He is excited to start pre-school in the fall, and loves to ask, "Mommy, will you miss me sooooo much when I'm at school?" To which I reply, "YES, I will miss you soooo very much--I ALWAYS miss you when I'm away from you." "Don't worry," he'll then say, "I'll ALWAYS come back to you, I promise.." :)
What I'M getting a huge kick out of is the fact that he's SINGING on KEY now!!! He's able to match pitches, and I ADORE hearing his little voice, singing away..it melts my heart, and brings tears to my eyes! Oh, how I love my baby boy!

And then, there is Brookie!!! Ha!!! I can hardly think of Brooke without laughing, because she is just the epitome of a tornado in toddler-form! :) She is into everything--literally, and is wise beyond her years when it comes to picking up a new skill or idea (I'm sure this is because she is learning from her big brother)! ;)
Brooke is such a happy little girl, and always smiling, however, she definitley is not afraid to express her opinion about something she doesn't like...most of the time by crying and throwing a down-right temper tantrum! Terrible two's a little early, just like everything else!
Though she's not saying many words yet, Brooke understands nearly everything we tell her to do. She's a great communicator, and gets her message across by nodding, saying, "dah", for "yeah", or "dah" while shaking her head "no", for "no"! ;) She's able to get into everything by pushing chairs around the kitchen to reach what she wants, or opening one drawer, to climb into it, only to reach what she wants in another! She keeps us on our toes, this one!
She's such a lover, though, and adores giving hugs and kisses to anyone, and everyone who will accept one from her!! ;) I ADORE being the recipient of her sweet kisses and hugs, and quite frankly, cannot get enough! ;) We just had her 15 month appointment the other day, and her Pediatrician said, "Wow, Brooke could not be more different in personality from her brother"! Although, she does think they look exactly alike...the verdict is still out, on this one. We love our little Brookie-Pie sooooooo much!!!!
1 comment:
Stunning and adorable!!!
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