Saturday, February 13, 2010

I WON, I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm soooo excited! I jumped on here to check on all of my lovely friend's blogs, and as I hopped over to With a Chirp, a Buzz, and a Lion's Roar by the lovely Jess (who just so happens to be one of my earliest childhood friends :), I was in shock and awe as I realized I WON HER GIVE-AWAY!!! Woohooo!

Jess is an incredible seamstress and designer of children's clothing, and I'm off to email her Brookie's size and will be overcome with anticipation and excitement, waiting to see what she creates!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, JESS!!!


1 comment:

Jess said...

Oh, Liz, you are too kind with your words! Thank you!

My inbox seems to have eaten our emails...your set should be ready in the next day or two. Can you email me your addy so I can send it out to you?
