Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Joyful Heart...

I think of myself as a happy person, glass half-full (or over-flowing sometimes :) kinda girl. But, as of late, I've caught sight of "Ms. Grumpy Pants" reflecting in the mirror. I don't know why....maybe I'm tired? Maybe I've been burning the candle at both ends...maybe a little bit of everything all thrown in the mix. Connor will say, "Mommy, are you mad at me?" which I'll respond (certainly with no grumpy or slightly annoyed undertones)..."NO Connor, WHY would I be mad at you?" Tommy has accused me on quite a few occassions of being grouchy over the last couple of weeks, which then really gets my blood boiling, and makes me even more so, (even though I'm NOT grouchy...of course). ;)

Well, as I told you last time, I've made a few life-style adjustments lately. I'm revamping my eating habits, getting back into the habit of regular exercise, working on some home-improvements....but last night I came to a realization. All of this is well and good, but if I'm not doing these things with a joyful heart, than I might as well not do them at all!!!

I teach music classes for children a couple mornings a week-something which makes me oh, so happy. I consider it more of a priviledge than a job, for the most part! Our extraordinary director had a belated holiday party for all of us last night, and the theme was "Simple Gifts". After a delightfully elegant dinner, she read the words to the Quaker song which says:

'Tis the gift to be simple,
'tis the gift to be free,
'tis the gift to come down where you ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
It will be in the valley of love and delight.


When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed.
To turn, turn will be our delight,
'Til by turning, turning we come round right

'Tis the gift to be loved and that love to return,
'Tis the gift to be taught and a richer gift to learn,
And when we expect of others what we try to live each day,
Then we'll all live together and we'll all learn to say,


'Tis the gift to have friends and a true friend to be,
'Tis the gift to think of others not to only think of "me",
And when we hear what others really think and really feel,
Then we'll all live together with a love that is real.

I adore this song. I've always loved the melody, but never stopped to really let the words sink in. I love the idea of "simple gifts", and a JOYFUL heart! I am so excited to not only begin a few life-style adjustments, but also a reformation of the heart!!!! I have so much to be thankful for--so, so many gifts. And I thank you, all of my wonderful friends and family, for the simple gift of your friendship. And with a joyful heart, I'm off to paint another section of window molding! ;)


Jessica Ryan said...

I too adore that song. It just makes me SO HAPPY!

Now missy, cut out the healthy food. Quit the exercise and POUR SOME MORE vino ;)

These are the Days! said...

HA!!! I'm eating carrots and hummus as I type...but no worries...vino will come later tonight! ;)

Marie said...

I've been needing a little attitude adjustment lately too. I think it's a little bit of the winter blahs. Thank you for the much needed better perspective on things. :)

Life Prints Design said...

Sweet Liz, your smile and spirit light up a room...hard to imagine you truly grouchy! I know we all have those days, but hang in there! Keep your focus on the One who has given us all of our good gifts :) Love you!

Joy said...

Thanks for giving a whole new light to gloomy days. You inspired me. I had never heard that song before, but it was nice.

These are the Days! said...

Thanks lovely ladies...your sweet words made my day! ;)
And, I must say, the "joyful heart" thing is definitely working this week! ;)



These are the Days! said...

Thanks lovely ladies...your sweet words made my day! ;)
And, I must say, the "joyful heart" thing is definitely working this week! ;)



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