Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Edition of Getting to Know your Friends!

Here's my version! Now, cut and paste it from here, put it on YOUR blog, with your very own answers!!!! As my friend Jess said over at the Entertaining House, don't be a SCROOGE! :)

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Hmmmm...both. I usually wrap until I'm utterly sick of it, and then start pullling out the gift bags as a last ditch attempt to finish! ;)

2. Real tree or Artificial?
Well, sadly enough I have to say we're a big bunch of fakers. Too many allergies in this household (I swear it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm also a little bit lazy and sweeping up pine needles drives me crazy :).

3. When do you put up the tree?
The weekend after Thanksgiving--which is another reason we have to be a big bunch of fakers! ;)

4. When do you take the tree down?
Usually right after New Years Day.

5. Do you like eggnog?
Yum!!! I love everything about it!!! We put it in our coffee every morning during the holiday season...mmmmmmmm!

6. Favorite gift received as a child?
Wow! There were so many! I specifically remember getting a "Teddy Ruxpin" doll that I had really been wanting! Also, one year all of my cousins (girl cousins, that is) and I all recieved Cabbage Patch dolls from our grandparents on Christmas Eve....that was soooo exciting!

7. Hardest person to buy for?
All of the males in my life, with the exception of Connor, who continues to "add" something to his Christmas list at least twice a day! ;)

8. Easiest person to buy for?
Connor and Brooke are tied on this one!!!

9. Do you have a nativity scene?
Yes, but I'm still searching for the perfect place for it. It's breakable, you see, meaning that at the moment it's 15 up on a crazy over-hang in our foyer...and it's pretty much invisible....but it's still intact! ;)

10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Snail Mail. We had our beautiful cards designed by my friend Steph over at was so much fun seeing what she came up with! I've *almost* got them all mailed...just a few more to go! ;)

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? about the most un-romantic gift ever received? That would be a Dyson vaccuum cleaner from my Dear Husband. Now, I really did want this...but unwrapping a vaccuum on Christmas morning leaves a lot to be desired! ;) Other than my diamond ring/earrings, it's definitely gotten the most use of any gift so far, though!

12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
I am in love with Christmas, and Christmas movies. I sincerely miss my little sister this time of year. I have the most wonderful memories of she and I wrapping furiously in my parents basement (usually on Christmas Eve), watching movie after movie..."White Christmas", "Scrooge" (the one with Albert Finney is my favorite), and many, many more. Then, we'd go to sleep together after Church on Christmas Eve, with Nick at Nite's Christmas marathon playing in the background.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
I am sooo behind this year. I'm almost done with the kiddos, but that's about it....ugh!

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
Oh, I'm sure I have! ;)

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
Everything....Tommy wanted me to go jeans shopping yesterday and I told him he was absolutely crazy! Jeans shopping on the same day you make a zillion butter cookies, a frittata for breakfast, and eat left-over mac and cheese for lunch is NOT the day to try on jeans....yikes!

16. Lights on the tree?
Our main tree in the living room has white lights, but the kids have a smaller one in their toy room, with colored lights. I actually miss having a big tree with colored lights...

17. Favorite Christmas song?
I adore "Oh Holy Night", "Away in a Manger", "Silent Night"....the list goes on, and on, and on! ;)

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
We stay in town but travel to both sets of Grandparents (our parents) houses. We spend Christmas eve at my parents, have dinner, go to church, etc., come back home, and let the kids open their presents from "Santa" Christmas morning here. Then, head back to my parents for more presents/brunch, and then to Tommy's parents for more presents and lunch/dinner!

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?

20. Angel on the tree top or a star?
Star. Mimi had to go buy a new star for Connor this year, as ours wasn't "sparkly" enough and this was really bothering him! ;)

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?
We all get PJ's from Mimi and Gramps on Christmas Eve! Back in the day, before kiddos, Tommy and I used to exchange our gifts to each other on Christmas magical and romantic by the twinkling tree lights with a fire going. Now, we're too consumed with getting all the kiddos gifts assembled and set up!!!

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
No snow....but rain, instead. Blah!

23. Favorite ornament, theme, or color?
I have many ornaments from my childhood that are dear to me. And, I just love a deep crimson color....yummy!

24. Favorite for Christmas Dinner?
We typically have ham, or turkey with Tommy's parents...

25. What do you want to do for Christmas this year?
I agree with Jess--send the SNOW!!!!

26. Favorite Christmas tradition growing up?
Christmas Eve at my Grandparents house. They had a big, open house, up on top of a hill, with a HUGE great/room. Perfect, perfect for celebrations. This could be a seperate post all of it's own, but we would all arrive sometime during the day on Christmas Eve, play Christmas Carols on the piano, sit by the fire, admire the HUGE pile of presents under the elevated tree! The house was FILLED with people! We would all eat together, get dressed in our special Christmas attire, and head to church--all of us!!! After church we'd all come back to the house, and each grandchild would "perform"--from playing the piano, to the violin, singing, reading the Christmas story, or "The Night Before Christmas" (my specialty :). Then, we would get to open our about worth waiting for! The anticipation was sooo great by that time of the night. I don't think Christmas has ever been the same since my Grandparents sold this house fifteen or so years ago. Oh, to spend one more Christmas Eve in the house in Maplewood.....

27. Favorite tradition now?
Making new memories/traditions with our little family of four! It's so fun to do things with the kiddos like make cinnamon dough ornaments, cookies, etc.

28. Favorite Christmas Memory?
I have way too many. Of course Christmas Eve at my Grandparents house, Tommy and I sitting by the fire and exchanging gifts--one year I got gorgeous diamond earrings, which I still wear almost daily. Seeing Connor's face last year as he emerged down the stairs on Christmas morning. Singing a solo at the Christmas Eve service at church when I was probably seven or eight, and being so nervous that I melted the wax candle in my hand before we performed! ;)

So many memories, and I'm so thankful to have the gift of making new ones!!! Merry Christmas, everybody!!!

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